Thurston County SAY Soccer is a 501-C-3 with the IRS, Exemption number 5083. Thurston County SAY is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of youth soccer.

Your tax-deductible donation helps us to continue to offer high quality training and facilities for all members to enjoy.

We do offer financial assistance to qualified families - players, and your donation can add to our scholarship fund, go directly to facilities rental, administration cost, equipment, or to our general fund.

You may also direct your donation to one of the areas previously mentioned by noting this in the comment section.

We greatly appreciate the support of our members and community alike.
Thank you again for your support!
Thurston County SAY Soccer

If you would like to mail in your donation, please mail it to:
Thurston County SAY Soccer, Attn. Edmond Lubin
2136 69th Ct Se
Tumwater WA, 98501